More pics of my trip to Italy!!
Well.. since numerous demands for me to show more pics of my trip, here it is....
Went to visit GAS Jeans headquarters... notice the lady in the middle... sooo stylish makcik tuh... big hair... skinny jeans.... stylish blouse... kinda reminds me of SJP (Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex and the City.. heh..heh..) anyway, Gas Jeans is not that popular in Malaysia but apparently, its really big in the US and EU..... same level with armani Jeans katanya... reghenya mahal nak mampos... githoooo...... mek hanya mampu beli gloves sajer memandangkan cuaca makin sejuk.. beku jari jemari githoo..... ;)
My typical lunch at the college's cafe.. consist of heavenly simple pasta... grilled fish... mashed potato... bread and fruits or salad.... manalah badan tak naik berkilo2 kannnn... ahaks
Typical scenery of the countryside... beautifullll!!!! kalaula kampung mek kat penang macam nih... maunya balik kerja kat sana... :)
Tis is a girl that i met at the Vincenza train station.. her name is Staphania.. i was really panicked at that time since im not sure which platform i should wait for the train and everything is in Italian and nobody speaks english...... and i decided to asked her and THANK GOD she speaks good english.... so, we sat in the same carriage and chatted the whole way.. shes very chirpy.. like a ray of sunshine... apparently, shes on the way to Milan as well to catch a flight to the polynesian island... she won the trip from her local bank!!... talking bout LUCKY girl!!....
Inside Duomo.. a very posh shopping complex in the heart of Milan..... really impressive.. beautiful and historical..... im in AWE!!!
Me: Scuzi... can we take pics with u guys??
policeman: (kekwat) Wat fro izzit for personal use??
Me: Yeah... sure... r u wearing suit designed by Armani??
Policeman:.... hrrrmmmmm
Me:.. better be quick... heh..heh....
note:.. In milan, the police unifrom are desinged by ARMANI......... Major KEKWAT occay!!
Some of the wall sculpture in Milan Centrale (train st.).. notice the suggestive scene.. macam org tgh main and orgy jer.... ahaks
THE FERRARI.... store in milan.... i bet all of the ferrari F1 fans will droll.. inside... there's a real Ferrari F1 car!!... jgn jelez taw... ahaks
Merk nak buat scene guling2 macam crite hindustan tapi tak jadi... ahaks
Typical scene in venice.... thats the local people doin their everyday xtvts.. gamaknya nak gi amek cik kiah pergi pasar kot... ;)
Mek kene attack ngan pigeons kat Piazza San Marco..... tu lah gatai nak beli bird feed... ganas betul burung2 kat sitew... habis dirogolnya mekkk!!.. ahaks
AT the famous "Bridge of Sigh"... sebelah kiri tuh courthouse and sebelah kanan tuh prison.. so, lepas kene hukum, pesalah2 akan lalu kat bridge itew dan akan memandang kat luar sambil mengeluh (sigh) sebab that will be the last time they will c the outside world... Sedih nyehhh....
Dalam water taxi.. from san marco back to Ferrovia( Train st.) dapatlah jugak menyusuri canal kat venice tuh.. its kinda cheap as compared to gondola.... tapi manusia ramai yang amats.. macam naik bas mini kat kl tahun 80an plaksss... ahaks.. and it was only 5pm tapi dah gelap macam malam....
he hills where castle of romeo and juliet is still there.... notice the two towers..... hanya dapat tgk dari kejauhan jerrrrrrr..... kuch..kuch .. hota.. hei.... ahaks
well.. thats it for now... nanti mek upload lagi na..... enjoyssss!!!
policeman: (kekwat) Wat fro izzit for personal use??
Me: Yeah... sure... r u wearing suit designed by Armani??
Policeman:.... hrrrmmmmm
Me:.. better be quick... heh..heh....
note:.. In milan, the police unifrom are desinged by ARMANI......... Major KEKWAT occay!!
well.. thats it for now... nanti mek upload lagi na..... enjoyssss!!!
Venice by far is my most feveret city in terms of beauty and attractiveness... tapi ad-dinch tempat churanz kaedahnya, kan??? **oopsss unless uols gi churanz kat pantai Lido di sittew :P
Milan mmg chanteque walaupun polluted giler..
tempat Romeo & Juliet tuh mak blom ke sana lagi..ntah bila laa gambaknya..kalau ado sona mona baru pergi kot? **oops!
Harus... mek dah puas surf internet cari tempats churans di venice itew... tapi NON ADO!!! dgr crite kat Verona ader gak kegiatan menggegar arasy kecil2an... tapi mek tak sempat nak membuat kajian lanjut... sibuk katanya... heh...heh....
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