Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Argggggggghhhhh..... JOB INTERVIEW!!

Well... went for the job interview yesterday.... it took half a day. It was damned loonnggg, time consuming and tiring. Macam -macam test kene buat.. reading comprehension lah... which is soo confusing.., mathematics *which im totally sucks.. big time... didnt even get to finish it off*..... and essay.... *interesting question !!, "if u can use one word which explain urself, what is the word and why?"*..... so aper lagi terkeluarlah segala kedivaan pecah lovangs mekkk....I answered " if i can explain myself in one word, it would be INSATIABLE!!! *bold/underline*".. heh..heh.. meaning hard to be pleased.... always hungry for something.. not easily satisfied and in constant need of stimulation".. hambek ko!!.. sesuwai kerrr... . *i hope it doesnt sounds too vulgar!!*... ahaks
anyway, of course the highlight of the day is the actual interview itself.. which is around noon...by then, i was soo hungry that i could eat a horse!!.... i didnt get to have breakfast in the morning as i woke up late and i'd to rushed to KLCC... to beat the morning traffic.... then, when i got there, apparently i had to wait until 8am... bummer!!... dah lah berpeluh ketiak nih.. siap pakai blazer vagai kannn..... then only we're allowed to go in.. dah lah tuh.. coffee or tea pun NON ADO * so much for being in the Fortune 500 list kannn*.. whoppsss mek terlaser plaksss.... so, i waited.. luckily, there were other people there for the same interview.. we exchanged plesantaries and chatted a bit.... suddenly, a vision entered the room... * being a drama queen that i am kan!!*.. there's this guy... soooooo very handsome.... feature muka dia very sharp.. hidung mancung sangat..... kulit cerah ...flawless lagi uolsss.... and dressing pun not bad.... tetiba fukee mek rasa berayaq plaksss.... so, dia pun tegur kitaorg.. we shook hands and introduce ourself.. nasib baik mek tak fengsan japs kat sitew.... and the interview actually membuatkan mek distracted sikit... rupa2nya orang sungai petani... graduated from US ... mek ala2 tak perchaya yang orag2 kedah nun pun ada gak yang lengkap package... selalunya most of nothern guys are quite NON ADO in tems of looks!!..apparently, im soooo wrong!! *matilah charut negeri tanah tumpah darah sendiri*...ahaks....

So, at 8am sharp, we were escorted to the 37th floor and more waiting and form filling... then only the "exams" and interview.. anyway, i think that i could've done sooo much better... but i was hungry.. and distracted, i didnt perform my best methinks... hu...hu... i that wouldnt matter pun kann.... i just want to GET IT OVER AND DONE!!....

so, it was done.. not as well as i expected... kalau ader rezeki tuh, ader lah kannnn.... kalau takdak tuh, at least i still have my current job which is so totally not bad!! *cubaan menyedapkan hati sendiri*.. heh..heh...

After everything finished, called my friend that work in the samne building had lunch intertwined with bitching bout the interview... and updating on the latest gossips..... heh.heh.. maklumlah.. meluahkan rasa hati... then, we went out for a smoke and suddenly, the cute guys came to me and joined us .. nampak macam sonbong at first.. but i was totally wrong.. he's very nice and quite chatty... later, another friend ..sinful.. came and i introduced that cute guy to him.. sesambil dia dok lah pecah lovangs and buek muka... ahaks... that guys looked as if he wanted to join us for more chatting but i quickly excused myself coz i cant stand being in the sight of him... takut jatuh hati.. chewahhhh!!....

Later, me and sinful went shopping for his mum's birthday gift... berjaya jugakler mek merachun dia to buy the CK perfume that comes with the chic bag.. ahaks... jelez sangat tawww!!.... than, i dropped him at his office.. *rasa cam chaffeaur plak*.. and went back home and sleeepppppzzzzzzz......... later that night, went to Putrajaya to visit my sis's friend who just gave birth to a baby boy... menjelang kul 10pm, singgah japss hantar barang at my aunts place at precint 14 and went home arnd 11.30pm...

so, thats it... one friend said that i had a very lucky week... i met with a person whom i had soo much fun... got an interview with that compay and met a cute guys there.....
p.s: did i told u guys that he asked for my number!!....


Blogger Unknown said...

Waaahh inniew sudah bagus! Syabbas bette!!!! You've got him begging for your number already..pasnih adakah blog inniew akan menjadi drama bersiri...Tentang Aku & Dia kununnya hiks...

Pe pe pun, well done..lama benor nyer interview..tandanya baguslah tu , dalam firasat mak lah..**matilah prophet of doom!

Good luck - esp with that cute SP guy nah? :) ..ingat pesan mak...cikloi dan sex sebanyak mungkin.. ***matilamak!

2:19 AM  
Blogger Deen said...

aiyohhh... spekurama sangatsss uolsss nih tawww..... ahaks... crossing my fingers aite!!

1:03 AM  

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