Sunday, December 16, 2007


Finally... after waiting for sooooo long, i finally have broadband connection at my home... it was such a relief.. now, i dun have to go to the cyber cafes or have access to internet only at my office..... *phew*

Last weekend was spent mostly with friends and family..... My sis had her year end bonus, therefore it calls for celebration... and what else than our most favourite xtvt's EATING kannn... so went to the Roadhouse Grill at Jalan Ampang... its kinda like western cowboy joint... waiter dia lengkap dengan topi cowboy vagai.. heh..heh.. The food was nice but a bit pricey.. *like i care since im not paying.... heh..heh..* i had a combo mix of the ribs and grilled chicken.. dad had his favourite usual.. T-bone steak... mom had the fish and chips and sis had the combo mix grill as well.... the service was excellent.. but the ambiance a bit dowdy lerrr.... i think iwill give it 3 1/2 star... *matiler tetiba jadi food slash restaurant critic.. heh..heh.. *...

Yesterday, went to Low Yat with my sis, and two of my *it expert* friends top help us to look for a laptop...... after much searching.. bargaining... quarrelling.... my friend Sinful introduced us to his friend whos working with one of the computer shops there.... and he managed to give the spec that we wanted with a good price *harga kawan2 katanya... as if*.... *it helps that he's super- gorgeus.. heh..heh... macam nak buat jadi toy boy jerrr... ahaks*...

Later went to register for the broadband... with much controversies.. *mek tak koser nak melayan k*.. Ceritanya is like this... My sis wanted to register it under her name... but apparently, she found out that she had certain unsettled amount which is not paid ... she didnt know and after calling the customer service provider *which shall not be named*, she later found that it is under a separate account which she had not known.... therefore being a LAWyer that she is, apalagi... all the wrath came out ler... they insist for her to pay it first before opening the line..... being a good paymaster all her life, and it helps that she knows the law, she refused to pay something which is not her fault... after futher session of maki-memaki.. charas-mencharas.. hanjeng menghanjeng, they still refused to open it,... so i came to the rescue and offered to register it under my name.... and it got through... Later, the comp called and apologised to my sis saying that there was some mixed up... WHAT THE FUCK!!!... *mampus ler korangs kat sitewww*..... a classic example of Malaysian Incompetencies.... *sigh*....

Being a customer, you are always right of course.... The company should have certain discretion and flexibilities in handling the situation... the Supervisor, refused to talk with my sis to settled the problem which is ABSURD!!!!!...... they should have looked at her past records and at least give some solutions........ Lepas tuh, boleh plak kata there was some mixed up plaksss... tak masuk dek akal kannn....

Neways... on Saturday nite, went to As house with a bunch of friends... get togather dinner sponsored by her *the nasi dagang and satay was superb darlll* sesambil tengok Asian Idol diselang selikan dengan *bitching sessions and gossips updates*...........heh..heh.....

All in all, it was a good weekend.. despites all the controversies which happenned....... had a great time with my family and friends..... Love them much.... muahhhhhhhhhhhh

p.s: there is a possibility that somebody's very important in my life* might be coming here for the summer..... im crossing my fingers *and toes* hoping that it will come true... heh...heh.....


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