Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting Dumped.........

I was browsing through the internet and found this interesting article...... It about how to behave if ur being dumped by a person in a relationship.... I think its quite funny and very interesting... not that i've been dumped before... he...he...... Maybe boleh ambik buat iktibar bagi kengkaan yang dah kene dumped.... nak dumped orang atau bagi yang baru nak timbul rona rona sumped...... he..he....


Dating Diaries: Breaking Up Is Easy To Do: 5 Simple Rules

by Rich Santos, Marie Claire, on Fri Aug 1, 2008 12:04pm PDT

A friend of a friend has called his ex-girlfriend six times since she broke up with him. I told my friend to bestow my breaking up advice on him. Whether you want someone back or not, if you follow the rules below, you will maintain your dignity, maybe win the person back, or eventually get over them:

1. Ride Off Into The Sunset

In college I took a class called "American Western Movies". Give me a break, ok? It was summer session. But this class did teach me something. I learned I wanted to be a cowboy. They are so cool, collected, never play their hand, never look rattled, and they are always confident.
One thing they all did was ride off as the sun set on the horizon after their business was done.
Riding off into the sunset keeps our dignity. When a girl breaks up with me, I will say:
"OK, it was great getting to know you over the past (insert length of time).You take care."
My business is done.
Then, I will figuratively ride off into the sunset. I won't tell her how much I miss her. I won't tell her she made a mistake.
I won't call, email or text. I won't mention her to mutual friends. I'll be gone from her life.
Suddenly, it will dawn on the girl that she is not
getting her money's worth for this breakup. It is true: people who do the breaking up have an air of power to them. They like being the decision maker, and having the control. But after I walk away like it's no problem, she'll start to think:
"Wow, why isn't he shaken up over this? Did he even care that I broke up with him?"
Or even better, the ever-popular and coveted:
"Did I do the right thing breaking up with him?"
That's when you know you're in business.

2. Apply the Wizard of Oz Effect

Of course, most likely, we are in total pain and anguish after a break up. But, we can't let that show. Remember:
"Pay no mind to that man behind the curtain?"
We can, behind the curtain, cry, complain, yell, be angry, and hurt. But, we must
craft the appearance on the outside of being fine with everything. We need to look happy on the outside to the other person 100% of the time we see them post-breakup.
This also gives the illusion that you might be seeing someone else, or that you've got other things going on. Of course you're miserable and there's NOTHING going on in your life, but they don't have to know it!

3. Enact the Verb in "Breaking Up"

Get rid of all evidence of them -- put it all in a closet, under your bed, or anywhere. I'm a sucker for a strand of hair or her shampoo smell left on a pillow after a girl is over. After the breakup, this must go: wash the sheets! Remember, in breaking up, to think of it like a guillotine: make it fast.
On a guillotine, you'd rather have a sharp blade slice your head right off than a blunt blade repeatedly cut and cut until your head finally fell off.
If it's a break up they want,
make it clean for them. It will look good, and it will be easier on you. Flush them right out of your life immediately, and completely.

4. Don't Look Back

It's hard to accomplish this. We know not to look back, just like we know not to look down when someone says don't look down...but we still look down. But, make it easy on yourself: looking back and saying stuff like:
"Gosh, just two weeks ago,we were out to dinner and she stayed over here and we were so close..."
...will just make it more painful. You can't look back until it's time to look back when you're truly over it.

5. Remember You'll Get Over It

The best thing about breaking up is those following mornings you wake up after you've truly gotten over someone. You're renewed, alive, and ready to see what the world has to offer. Keep pushing through for this feeling, remember all those people you thought you'd never get over (you know you ended up getting over them), and as Jim Morrison once crooned: "break on through to the other side!"
Well I don't know about you, but after going through all that, I'm inspired to get dumped!
So, do you agree with these rules? Do you have any
nightmare breakup stories? If a guy you dumped followed these rules, would you start reconsidering? Would you be annoyed if you dumped a guy and he didn't get upset?
So..... now we know..............!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Pssstttt.... i have a secret to tell....... NO!!!.... *im not wearing susuk or do i intend to have one*... he...he..... The truth is, im NOT an ardent fan of horror/scary movies..... let alone Malay horror flicks........
I came to know bout this movie from the trailer.. you know, trialer of upcoming movies shown before the actual movies start.. but i didnt have any intention of watching it whatsoever.... I thought that the movie will be just like any other Malay horror genre... trying to scare the viewer but really doesnt made any sense.....
So, one day, i was reading blogs here and i came across Yasmin Ahmad's blog an internationally acclaimed director.. of which im and ardent fan of.. chewah.. *mengaku fan lah konon*... he..he.. and she did this review .. well... not a review actually.. more of a comment bout the movie Susuk.... She highly recommended to watch the movie.... and give praises on the technicalities and the storyline of which i will not reveal anyway as its not my intention for writing a movie review........
Anyway, yesterday, i was on medical leave due to some light fever and colds..... I was bored at home doin nuthing... so, i called my friend Rupaul asking him whether he was free to join me watching movie.. after some arrangements, we agreed to watch movies at Midvalley.. i wanted to have a movie marathon since it was quite sumtime since i last watch any movies..... So, we made plans to watch Wall-E... which turns out to be a good movie to watch with your loved ones.. and ...SUSUK.. mainly because of Yasmin's review....
I found that the movie stand true to Yasmin's every single comments.... i didnt have high expectation at first.. during the first few minutes of the movie, i knew that its really a good movie to watch.... Im not gonna give away the storyline.. but in a gist, the movie is about people's quest to find beauty and fame and the extend that people will go to find it be it the right way or the wrong way....... I think that the premise of the stroy is somewhat based on human's morality but sumhow, it does not dictates to the viewer whats right or wrong.. but merely potraying the result of those infatuation of being beautiful and famous.....
Somehow, the essence of the story as captured beautifully by having great camera works... seamless shot of scenes from one to another and great acting by the actors.... I think that its good that the director does not duelve too much on the morality of the subject matter.. but by showing the consequences of these endless infatuation instead..... with a touch of humour...
I found that this movie is refreshing.... it's not the typical horror flick that is full of the scare factor.. it not ur run on the mill type of scary movies which tries to scare their audiences any chance that they can.....
It is a manifestation of the darker side of human... what we can and will do to achieve greatness......