Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Career Change

Remember a few post back when i talked about goin for the job interview and whether i should have a career change...................... Finally yesterday, i got an offer from them .........

And now, im in dilemma........ Im really confused whether i should accept the offer or i should just stay put where im now..... sigh.....

If i accept the offer, i'll be doin sumthing which is totally new things which is alien to me.. RISK MANAGEMENT!!.. well, after some research, i knew a little bit what risk management is......... and i think that its a good experience for me if i were to learn it... in terms my future marketability and such *matilah menjual diri*.. however, i've never learned it before and i knew nuts and its so alien to me........

And to make the matter worse, there will be no pay inrease for me, meaning, the pay that they are offering me now is the same amount .. penny to penny of what im making now... basic plus allowances... which makes it harder for me to make decision aite..... offer yang meks dapat tuh gajinya 2 kali lima kali dua saja ngan gaji meks sekarang..... tak naik, tak kurang pun..... tapi kalau difikirkan balik, gomen nih gaji very the lambat naik kan.... bonus tahun nih NON ADO kekdahnya.... kalau ada pun, sebulan... tuh pun bayaq dua kali... kekdahnya........ so tempat baru nih memandangkan berpendapatan berbillion2 jawabnya, bonus pun theyolsss pun berkepuk2 dgr critenya...... *matilah mata duitan*.. heh..heh.. plus point gak tuh kannnnnnn......

Seperti biasa, being an INDECISIVE person as i am.. memang susah nak buat decision nih....... buatnya pulak meks nak leave the government sector to join korporat sector... rasa rugi tuh memang banyak sangats la.... in terms of job security.. pencen *matilah konsep pencen artis karyawan*.....

i love the workplace that im at now *kl sentral*..... walaupun tempat baru tuh lagi diva situasinya *KLCC*.. *hint....hint*...... dari segi tempat makan.... accessability.... parking....jalan jam dan sebagainya yang harus meks ambik kira..

i loveeee my current collegues and my boss and the management and the opportunity that i might get.. diulangi.. MIGHT GET.. dimana ia belum tentu kekdahnya. setakat janji pakai ayaq liuq memang senangkan uolsss.... tapi realitinya, ramai lagi yang sibuk dok pasang kipas.. meks punya kipas ala2 kipas lipat tangan miss2 jer... tapi tak bukak pun.. simpan dalam handbag celine meks jerrrr. walhal, theyolsss tuh pasang kipas dinding.. siap semburan mist bagai kannnnnnnn.... heh...heh.... biasalah.. gomen kannnnnnnn

Kat tempat meks skang nih, im a small fish in the pond... tapi kat tempat baru tuh, meks a small fish but in the BIG OCEAN!!!.....

Whether its a peluang KEEMASAN or KELEMASAN, i have to make a decision soon.......


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sawana LOVE!

Maybe its the dampness.... the mixture of sweat and steam..... that lingers in a sauna that is so alluring.... or perhaps its the lingering whiff of musky smell of sweaty mens. The place intended for the cleansing of the body....For getting rid of toxins....... A safe haven to relax and unwind after a hard days work.... A place to meet people from all walks of life..... A place to relaxed the tension muscles... and tension of the mind........from unrelenting demands of everyday life.....

Other than the cleansing ritual of the body, it can be said that sauna goers also seeks for other thrills that comes with the dark and damp environment......... Stimulation and excitement perhaps?......

Making love in the sauna...* e.g dark rooms, rain room, private rooms or other terms that we might call it * brings a whole lots of new experiences..... In the dark room, your senses are heightened. As you can't even see the ongoings inside such place, you are dependent on your other senses such as hearing * the distant moaning* or touching of the body parts.

In there..... in the presence but not in the sight of others, your can be yourself or perhaps u can be who you wants to be....

In there, you are unvulnerable to the preconceived judgements of others........

In there, your can fantasize and be the fantasy of others.........

And in there.. you can have the best uninhibited sex *safe of course* where your actions is only limited to your imaginations........

Once you've tasted "HEAVEN", there is no turning back.................. ;)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sisterhood of Frayed Queens

One of the highlight of the week is the weekly get together usually on Tuesdays aptly tagged as "The Congregation of Plastic Faces and Shrieky Voices". This is the time where most of the sisterhood members will come together over cups of teh tarik or cold drinks *depending on the "hotness" of the issues". It is by far with invitations only but all Queens wannabes are mostly welcome... Some will received an SMS summoning them or some by telephone calls or some by words of mouth. Agenda varies... it can be either to discussed on the latest fashion trends, latest gossips... numerous conquest of the week or the latest development of the Nation's political scenarios. However, members are reminded to come fully prepared mentally and physically for the drama of life to begin.

This once a week meeting usually held in a cafe smack in the middle of the city's famous rainbow district will began with the arrival of Her Majesty Queen RuPaul of Jalan Ipoh (a.k.a Court Jester a.k.a cricket face)... She will usually be the first to arrive.. 15 mins earlier so that later which she can moans and grumbles that she is on time, thus maintaing her disposition as the ever-so-punctual Queen....

Later, depending on the traffic conditions, all the other Deputy Queen such as yours truly.... the Amazing Ikan Pari and not forgetting, Princess Vonte Vanta will all arrived graciously a couple of minutes apart...... Later, Lady Schonrina from the Royal House of Singapore (also a fellow Sawana Sistah) will arrived all sweaty from trying to figure out the mazes of K.L Metropolitan routes. Among other Royal House members that usually present are Ms Palapiah William,....... and the royal Publicists cum the President of Ms Nanakukaprik Fan club...Mr Tompelito,.... The Royal Chef.. Ms. Amarina *recent BFF of Ikan Pari*..... and sometimes, other members from the Royal House of Rainbow.

Even before the full arrival of the members, juicy issues started to flow generously..... even ordering of the drinks were done in such "divaesques" manner. The summoning of the waiter will surely turned heads around.. specifically and intentionally done to attact the attention of unsuspecting subjects. Thus announcing that the House is in session.........

Being a member of the Royal House, one must have a very thick skin.... Numerous occassion where one will be put down... being the subject of gossips.... being sweared upon with harsh words........ being ridiculed.... being stabbed behind on their back...... either the attack is personal or in general.....and other negative connotations, are part and parcel of life in the Royal House.... One must also be fully aware that this is the reality of being in the Royal House of Rainbow. However, the Sisterhood almost always prevails in the end, with much flame of grouses either being made to be lighted more or doused to merely an amber waiting to be ignited again and again...........

As most of the members shared a common passion which is FOOD, the congregation usually adjourned to the nearest food joint where it offers delicious and tasty Thai food in huge portions.. Value for money indeed....... Numerous dish will be ordered and savoured to the last bit....... Well, u know that food is always a substitute of sex.......and getting both is never enough apparently!!

These congregation ritual started since almost 3-4 years ago where most of the Members started working in the KL Metropolitan area... At first, it provided an avenue for all members of the Royal House to sit back and relax after work... however, as time flies, more and more issues been raised and nowadays, one have to be on the tip of their toes... not knowing whether its their turn of the week to be devoured by the vicious cycle of unrelenting attacks from the House members........ However, some members comes and goes... depending on their work or family or relationships commitments........ but some remain loyal until now.....

I love my SISTERHOOD..... despite of everything that happens within and outside the confines of the sisterhood of the Royal House of Rainbow... Its a good stepping stone to prepare oneself to face the harsh reality of the World of Rainbow.....

There are few pleasures of life and one of it is FRIENDSHIP!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

3rd Anniversary!

Diam tak diam, dah 3 tahun aku bekerja kat tempat sekarang nih.. Today (14 Mac 2008) is my 3rd year anniversary of working in this Agency. There were 7 of us.. all guys in my original batch intake.. and later, 2 girls joined us.... tapi skang nih, the guys tinggal 5 jer.... Sorang dah join PTD and lagi sorang dah join this big American multinational company... both the gurls are still here..... but daripada 5 guys yang tinggal, sorang dah kena posting je Tokyo... and sorang girl tuh akan diposting ke Osaka later this month.....the rest....taktau nasib lagi katanya... heh..heh...

So far, working here is ok... well actually, its more than ok.... personally, i think that its a good place to work.... Apart from the daily mundane paperwork, i am fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to travel overseas... some for official work or attending courses.... Kiranya, so far, adalah beberapa tempat yang aku dah pergi.... Tokyo for a course... during my first year ... then, i was choosen to help our official visit to Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm..... then, last November, i went to Italy for another 2 weeks course where i managed to visit Vincenza, Milan and Venice...... So, in that terms, i got no complains lah...... kalau nak harap pergi sendiri tanpa disponsor, tah bila lah nak dapat kumpol cukup duit kannnnn!!
Other than that, i've learned soo much about industries... especially on transport and metal industries which is under my purview. Eventhough my department is among the most hectic, so far, i barely survive lah.... heh....heh.... but what to do, kita yang telah diamanahkan kerja, dan Hanya Menurut Perintah sahaja..... heh...heh....

Here at my work place, bukan setakat kerja saja.... im also active with the Sports Club.... dun get me wrong.. aku tak bersukan taw.... tapi setakat jadi AJK Biro Sosial.... so, i've had handled social activities . for example, menarilah.... menyanyi lah... Hari Sukan lah.... Hari Keluargalah.... and the biggest event of all... our agency's annual dinner..... so, disitew, aku dah dapat belajar cara2 nak handle event especially when it comes to protocol ..with official dignitaries....
Selain itew, aku jugak dapat kawan2 yang amat baik sekali. Bukan hanya sekadar office mate.. tetapi, lebih dari itu... SAHABAT... susah senang... teman bergossip... teman bersuka.. duka... teman tempat meluah perasaan.. berkongsi masalah dan merewang sana sini... and bercuti bagai heh...heh.... Our relationship is PRICELESS!!.... they are my bestest friends..and confidant... and i love them very 2 dearly. Same goes with the two guys yang dah meninggalkan kitaorg.. masih lagi berhubung mesra kekdahnya.... ;)
So, kenapa saya suka kerja saya?.... adalah disebabkan perkara2 diatas..... namun begitu, "all is not roses".. bak kata omputih.... Memanglah ada turun naik kita didalam perkara2 yang beyond our control.... office politics.. grapevine... umpatan blakang.. kene marah ngan boss.. is all part and parcel of working kann... However, all those things howeverpun terubat at the end of the day when we are able to have afterwork drinks cum gossip session with our friends..... heh...heh..
There were no big celebration today... cuma 4 of us guys went to the eating place near our office to have dinner and reminance on our years here..... and i had a great time... listening to their antiques.... heh...heh....
Life is indeed BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Promise \Prom"ise\, a. [F. promesse, L. promissum, fr. promittere, promissum, to put forth, foretell, promise; pro forward, for + mittere to send.

1. In general, a declaration, written or verbal, made by one person to another, which binds the person who makes it to do, or to forbear to do, a specified act; a declaration which gives to the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)


Sepertinya sebuah janji bukan sekadar hutang yang perlu dilunasi, tetapi terkandung jaminan kepastian yang menimbulkan harapan bagi insan.

Menepati janji adalah cerminan kedewasaan hati dan pikiran. Maka ada petua bijak yg bilang “jangan berjanji jika tak sanggup menepati.”



Manusia tak ada yg sempurna, ada yg lebih penting dari sekadar menepati atau tidak menepati janji, iaitu kejujuran hati, berani mengakui kesalahan, dan meminta maaf. Sekarang perlu akan penilainan,…dari 100% janji dan harapan yang ditebarkan, berapa % sebenarnya yang sanggup orang lakukan untuk menepatinya dan berapa % yang sanggup kita wujudkan. Hanya waktu yang akan menempa dan mengujinya.


Do you believe promises are made to be broken??.... well... this is not the first time that people break their promise to me... Well, i've also broken my promises before... but being stood up by ur "supposedly" "GOOD FRIEND" really sucks BIG TIME!!!!......... If its once or twice, it can be forgiven......... but its more than that!!!.......... kalau orang utara tuh panggil those kind of people "PAKU LONGGAR".... which literally means, person who cant keep their promise................

Critanya lagu nih... adalah sorang kawan mek nih... di dok kat utara nun... He's my childhood friend.. pergi skolah sama2..... blajaq sama2.... melachur sama2.. * whopssst... tak pernah uolsss*... and he is the only one of my friend from childhood that i still keep in constant touch with...
NOW, he's a successful Doctor in one of the government Hospital.....

Kekdahnya, walaupun we constantly call each other to updates whats happening in our lives, due to reasons such as distance, susah bebenor nak jumpa... the last time i met him, was during Raya 2 years ago... tuh pun just happen that i went back balik kampung to visits relatives and we happen to spend the night at the local motel there...

He does come to K.L once in a while.... but the timing is never good for us... however, this time around, he was here with his "HUSBAND" attending a course .... the place is really near to my place and im totally ecstatic to be able to lepak2 with him and for me to get to know his "HUSBAND" better since i met him once only.. tuh pun tak sempat kenal2 sangat.. only know his name jerr..... Hence, i suggested that we meet at night when he finishes off his course.. The first nioght, he said that he's too tired... Second nite,.. his reasons were that he had exams which he has to study.. so i flipped out instantly.. but he PROMISED that he will meet me today (THURS 13/03/2008) after work at KLCC........

Suddenly, i got his SMS saying that he had to go back urgently due to some family emergency.. well.... i'd be lying if i said that i didnt c it coming lah.... im just upset that for all the years that i know him, memang dia pun ada sedikit "paku longgar" itew.....but i just kept one eye close jer lah kan... dah kawan-kawan.... tapi tak sangka pulak terbawak-bawak sampai dah jadi Doctor bagai kannnnn.... so mek tgh SENTAP nih!!!!

I dont want to get angry or be upset over this... it takes too much effort to dwell into this... *mak tak koser dah!!*.... i knew that this is coming but this time, its too much....Its only normal for me to be angry and where else to vent my anger if not kat my beloved blog nih kan....... !!

So, moral of the story is, if there is a possibility that u can't deliver your promises, then, don't promise kannnnnnn!!

p.s: untuk sesiapa yang berkenaan, memanglah, waktu susah, baru nak ingat kat aku... waktu senang, ader tak nak ingat kat aku...ADO??.... NON ADO!!!

Dah lah... mak tak kisah nyehh. asalkan aku tak menyusahkan saper2 cukuplah .. tak githooo??

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Post -Election

I guess our country is still grappling with the unfolded DRAMA in this 12th General Election held last weekend. All of us knew the results which being regarded as "Political Tsunami" where the ruling party lost its 2/3 majority over to the Oppositions.

As a responsible Malaysian, for the first time in my life, i VOTED. I'm a registered voter for Parliamentary seat P.122 Seputeh. The incumbent Teresa Kok of DAP winning the highest majority in history (36,492-vote) over MCA newbie, Carol Chew.

However, im not here to give reviews or comments on the shocking results.. im gonna talk bout my experience going to the polling station.. cating my vote and my feeling as i did my duty at that time....

I woke up a bit late.. so, after having a light brunch, i showered and was ready to go VOTING!!

so i went to the polling station.. it was a round 1.45pm.... there were not too many people there.. i guess, most of the voters went early in the morning to cast their votes.... Anyway, after showing my IC to the polling workers and found out my Saluran, which is saluran 6, i went upstairs on the 3rd floor.. gave my ic again and were given a piece of paper to cast my ballot on.........

It didnt took me long to made decision.. as i was determined and pretty much sure of which person im gonna choose.... as the ballot box is transparent, i can c most of the ballot that had been put inside... ermmmm... kinda know who will wins at that time.. heh..heh...

After casting my vote, went back downstirs to go back.. and suddenly, i was overcome by this opverwhelming feelings of .. i dunno how to describe it!!.. I felt blessed as i finally had done my small responsibilities towards my nation... I felt that it was democracy at its best...and its a good feeling top know that u have the right to choose.. regardless of whether the person that u shose wins or not!!!

I reminisce about on how our beloved country had come to this stage... on how our previous leaders fought to the brim to achieve this INDEPENDENCE!!..... the emotions were preety strong and without realising it, my tears flowed...... good thing that i was wearing my sunglasses at that time... heh..heh..

our country had come a longggg way since its Independence..... no matter what people say about our country, we cant deny that we did have a GOOD ruling government!!... a Government which had managed to make this small nation prosper and developed the way it is now! This in turn had made other neighbouring countries proper as well in providing job and other opportunities to the people...

Im anxious to see these turns of events.......... and i hope that my beloved country will continue to do well.... maintain its position and perhaps offer better opportunities to its RAKYAT!!!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Celine Dion's Taking Chances World Tour 2008

*Write up from Wiki*
Taking Chances Tour
is the current concert tour by Canadian pop singer Céline Dion, in support of her latest English album Taking Chances, released in November 2007. The year-long tour will visit 5 continents, 25 countries and over 100 cities. Dion will perform over 120 shows.[

The show, directed by Jamie King (Madonna's Confessions Tour, Christina Aguilera's Back to Basics Tour) combines Dion's performances with a visual feast of color, fashion, dance and surprise. Céline Dion performs some of her biggest hits, along with songs from her latest English album Taking Chances.[2]

The show lasts for two hours and is divided into four segments. There is a soul segment, a rock segment, a segment where Céline Dion acts the part of a fashion-victim and another inspired by Gypsy, Spanish and Middle Eastern cultures. Dion is supported by eight dancers (4 male and 4 female). Rehearsals took place in December 2007 in Primm, Nevada and MGM Grand Garden Arena.

The tour setup includes about twenty LED screens, among them one that will orbit the stage, plus conveyor belts and elevators. As announced a few months ago, Dion pre-recorded a selection of videos for her show. The introduction video shows her driving a car at high-speed, with intermingling images from her career. Another video shows the singer dressed in varying fashions. Jamie King will join the tour on May 2, 2008 in Manchester. Before that date, the show will not be on a central stage (except in Japan) for logistics reasons. After two and a half months, Dion will rehearse again to perfect the show for the "in the round" setup. Because of Dion's bilingual career and the restrictions of certain arenas and stadiums on the tour, Jamie King had to direct and choreograph three separate shows. One show features a set list comprised mostly of English language songs and is performed in the round using the full system of mobile screens, elevators and conveyor belts. A second show also features the center stage arrangement but includes up to ten French language songs for performances in Francophone countries. A third, less complex show is being used where the center stage arrangement would not fit into the venue or where it would be impractical to transport the stage. An end stage setup is used in these cases.

Dion and her band rehearsed about sixty tracks, both in English and French. Among those ones, about 20-25 songs will be performed in a show, according to each visited market. "Pour que tu m'aimes encore" will be performed throughout the whole tour. The singer also performs several cover songs never performed on stage before.

After the concert in Pretoria on February 16, 2008, René Angélil reorganized the whole show. There have been few changes about the costumes chosen by Annie Horth and changes about the order of some songs. The whole concept, even the presence of dancers, has been reorganized. Angélil also said that Dion will be performing a medley featuring "Beauty and the Beast" and the song "The Prayer" with Andre

Record sellouts

Céline Dion set a record in the history of Canada, when she sold out all her Montreal shows in only a few minutes.[4] After further shows being added, bringing the total to 8, Montreal's audience became the largest on the tour with 160,000 spectators.

Other Canadian concerts were also sold out immediately, prompting another dates to be added. That includes: Edmonton, Vancouver and Winnipeg.

In the U.S., second dates were announced in New York City, Uniondale, Boston, and Newark.

In Europe, tickets for Manchester and London were also sold out in few minutes. Two new dates were added on the same day. The 54,000 tickets in Dublin were sold out in 3 hours.

A second concert date has been announced for Sydney in Australia as well.

Dion's world tour is among the biggest music events ever hosted in South Africa, with more than 380,000 tickets on sale. After ticket sales exceeded expectations, another (ninth) date was added also there.

April 8, 2008 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Stadium Merdeka

GUESS WHAT............... I GOT THE TICKET!!!!...
C U guys THERE!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Backstreet's Back Alright!!!!

Last Wednesday (Feb 27th) after 15 YEARS of waiting, finally, the much anticipated .. the ultimate boygroup *sesuai ker lagi panggil BOY*.. touched down in malaysia *well not their first time anyway*.... BACKSTREET BOYS is on tour for their latest album UNBREAKABLE.... and guess what, i went for the concert.........yipppeeeee!!!!

Well, i know that BSB is no longer THE boy group... but they remain one of the biggest selling group ever with more than 77 million copies of their albums worldwide... with many2 hits singles.... and a HUGE fan base in ASIA especially Malaysia..........

To tell u the truth, i was not really a fan.... my sister was the biggest fan of them... but i grew up with their songs.... It brings back sooo much memories hearing the songs again...... sigh....

Despite the rain earlier, bout 5000 die hard fans, lined up to get into the Surf Lagoon at Sunway Lagoon.......... we were lucky to get in quite early despite coming a bit late *jumping q of course*.. tee..hee.... shhhhhhhh!!.. and we managed to squeeze our way through to just beside the VIP's enclosure... to get a good view of them.........

I must say that it was among the best concert that i have been to in my life......... they were very energetic and u can clearly see that they enjoyed themselves throughout the entire 1 hour and 45mins show.........

Despite the CRITICS of the STUPID reporter in the daily newspaper, i found that the group still have their magic touch and moves to show us the FAN!!!......... Its is understood that they are promoting their new album here, hence, of course they will sing more of their new songs which i found very interesting......... But of course, when they rendered their past hits, the crowd went crazy.......... moi included... heh..heh....

I first got to know about the concert in the radio.. the DJ's is making a competition of who can sing well their new songs and the person will win fully paid trips to HAWAII to BSB's concert... my sister went hysterics and really wish that she can go to the concert.................... True enough, her prayers is answered........ and apparently she had fulfilled one of her lifelong dreams to go to BSB's concert......... Im very happy to be able to go with her.. and Fendi a.k.a Kak Juhara..... we had an ecstatic time there.......... ;)

SO, below are some of the pics that i took during the concerts to be enjoyed by u guys..... so, enjoyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.......................

Monday, March 03, 2008

Barbecue @ Nisa's Place.

Last Saturday ( 1st March 2008), was BBQ @ Nisa's place in PJ. It was very the merries githoo..... dengar crite, it was impromptu plan...plannya in the first place, hanya nak melibatkan kawan-kawan terdekat sajork... tapi, sudahnya, hambek korang, almost all of CORE group dan sewaktu dengannya turun malam itew... aqaq2, hadek2.. mak hayam, mahupun fish kids, semuanya telah meluangkan masa untuk berBBQ disulami oleh laharan, tomahan, charutan dan kejadian2 yang kita ingat kat dalam drama swasta jerk yang ado.. ghupenyer LIFE githoo.... kannnnnnnnn. BUt it was really2 fun to congregate and spend time togather on weekends like that. Ala, cover charge pun very the murs-murs sajork..... only RM10, kalau makan kat fast food dapat ker uolsss dengan harge tuh kannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!... heh....heh.. So, enjoys the pics below..

*Merries Githoo*

* suka pose2 banyak2 kann*

*tangan saper lah yang "GAGAH" bebenor tuh!!!!*

*Aqeem.... ko tunjuk hapa tuh??.. puting tetek Ward kewww??.. ahaks*

* Merries2 dibawah kesamaran cahaya lampu di tepi pool*

*Tetap nak hambik gambar sendiri kannnnn.. nasib baik ader flash... whooopssttt.. heh..heh..*

*Jemput makan uolsssssssssssss*

* Tuan Rumah with the funny face... chantek gambar 3 orang nih kannnn*

* AIyohhhh??....... belum kul 12 malam dah ting-tong ker uolsss..... *

*Ratew2 ditepian tangga. mesti teringat zaman2 masuk miss kannnnnnn*

*aper-aperpun, minyak kew, asap ker, percik ker, perap ker,.. make-up tetep MAMPAN occay!*
*dan akhirnya.. diumumkan finalist2 Fukee Remaja..... (remaja kewww??)*


*hadek2 pantang nampak kamera kan.. terus serbu.... !!!*

*MUKHSIN* (Segmen drama swasta)

*Cintaku tak terbalas.... ;)*

U say JUMP... i say HOW HIGH?????..... heh...heh.....*Match made in heaven*
(matilah kene pelangkung ngan Danny)

*Akhirnya cinta beralih arah..............ahaksssssss!!* *Dah.. segmen drama
dah tamat!!!!!

*Rasa cam sumbody is missing... owh ya.. IDAN..... dimanakah ko......???*


Nota kaki: Quote2 dibawah gegambar itew semua hanyalah sekadar rekaan semata2.... tiada kene mengena samada yang masih hidup atau belum lahir..... *DAMAGE CONTROL!!!* katanya..... hi....hi