Career Change

And now, im in dilemma........ Im really confused whether i should accept the offer or i should just stay put where im now..... sigh.....
If i accept the offer, i'll be doin sumthing which is totally new things which is alien to me.. RISK MANAGEMENT!!.. well, after some research, i knew a little bit what risk management is......... and i think that its a good experience for me if i were to learn it... in terms my future marketability and such *matilah menjual diri*.. however, i've never learned it before and i knew nuts and its so alien to me........
And to make the matter worse, there will be no pay inrease for me, meaning, the pay that they are offering me now is the same amount .. penny to penny of what im making now... basic plus allowances... which makes it harder for me to make decision aite..... offer yang meks dapat tuh gajinya 2 kali lima kali dua saja ngan gaji meks sekarang..... tak naik, tak kurang pun..... tapi kalau difikirkan balik, gomen nih gaji very the lambat naik kan.... bonus tahun nih NON ADO kekdahnya.... kalau ada pun, sebulan... tuh pun bayaq dua kali... kekdahnya........ so tempat baru nih memandangkan berpendapatan berbillion2 jawabnya, bonus pun theyolsss pun berkepuk2 dgr critenya...... *matilah mata duitan*.. heh..heh.. plus point gak tuh kannnnnnn......
Seperti biasa, being an INDECISIVE person as i am.. memang susah nak buat decision nih....... buatnya pulak meks nak leave the government sector to join korporat sector... rasa rugi tuh memang banyak sangats la.... in terms of job security.. pencen *matilah konsep pencen artis karyawan*.....
i love the workplace that im at now *kl sentral*..... walaupun tempat baru tuh lagi diva situasinya *KLCC*.. *hint....hint*...... dari segi tempat makan.... accessability.... parking....jalan jam dan sebagainya yang harus meks ambik kira..
i loveeee my current collegues and my boss and the management and the opportunity that i might get.. diulangi.. MIGHT GET.. dimana ia belum tentu kekdahnya. setakat janji pakai ayaq liuq memang senangkan uolsss.... tapi realitinya, ramai lagi yang sibuk dok pasang kipas.. meks punya kipas ala2 kipas lipat tangan miss2 jer... tapi tak bukak pun.. simpan dalam handbag celine meks jerrrr. walhal, theyolsss tuh pasang kipas dinding.. siap semburan mist bagai kannnnnnnn.... heh...heh.... biasalah.. gomen kannnnnnnn
Kat tempat meks skang nih, im a small fish in the pond... tapi kat tempat baru tuh, meks a small fish but in the BIG OCEAN!!!.....
Whether its a peluang KEEMASAN or KELEMASAN, i have to make a decision soon.......