Friday, February 24, 2006


Hiii y'all...

its been quite a while since i post anything in this blog... anyway, here i am... its nearly 5.30pm and i'm just trying to waste a few more minutes before i can actually go back...oppss. just remembered that i got some farewell dinner to attend tonite.... Yup... one of my acquantance is goin away...for good... back to his hometown... he got a better job offer lah... not 'balik kampung tanam jagung' ;p........

The reason that i refer to this person as an aquantaince... is actually becoz i dont think that i deserved to call him my friend...after all this while, i realised that i actually know nuts bout him... maybe a little.... but most of it is from other friends... so.... i guess its my lost.... although we sometimes sembang2 but actually we talked bout.......nothing ...... just a change of few plesantaries..... .

when did i realised this??...... when i tried 2 fumbled a few words.. and nothing came to my mind about this person as i was writing greetings to him in the card which is quite big btw, shared by all of us... the collegue....sponsored by the lady "PINK" herself....;)... and at last.. standard wordings of "best of luck" are being jotted down reluctantly.....

isnnit it pathetic.... my lost as a person for not making any effort to get to know a person when we had the chance to.... and this does not only applied to present situation but numerous other occasions where my own *laziness* and disconcerted effort seems utterly devastated following lack of communication and and *shyness* (yes.. i know.. nobody will ever believe its in me) therefore reduced to a futile effort to turns the person from merely an aquantaince to a friend....and i'm not only talking bout specific gender but all living and breathing beings...even cats...But then again maybe i'm a dog person... ;P.

i vow... this will never happened again.....hmmm ... maybe a tad big word... promise seems more likely to be delivered.....

Adios Muchachos

Sunday, February 05, 2006

'Love Anecdotes'

Valentine's day is just around the corner.... the 'love' bug must be in the air, spreading like wildfire... stinging and biting the hearts of lovers...he...he

Love is around us..whether you turn your head to the left or right.... whether you live in Alaska or Timbuktoo (if there's such a place ;).... young or old (prefer to say not so young).... whether you're rich or a pauper.... love affects us all and nobody's are immune against it..(ppl with heart that is)

Well, there're many kinds of love... be it spiritually...physically.. or both.... Love is a sensitive subject which must be dealt with dexterity and full of complexity.... but who in their rite mind would go against it rite?......

There's sooo much more things in the world that is more important than merely love..... but, love is without a doubt , the essence of mankind... without love, man would not exist... but man also suffer tremendously because of love.....

However, sometimes... lust takes over love... Often we're confused between love or merely lust.....

Lust maybe in the form of decadance...indulgences...or forbidden pleasure.. however, Love represents the state of pureness... tranquility and innocent act... which often associated with all things beautiful.

Nevertheless.... both lust and love are co-dependent . There can be no love without lust.. and no lust without love...(correct me if i'm wrong)..

In the literary world, love is among the most talked subject... from "Mills and Boons" Nobel Price Winning Novels.. and not forgetting religous books,.....the subject of love takes centre pages....

For aeons..... people had been in love... out of love.....sick of love.. or.. cant get enough of love......

So, how do you convert a sceptic person to really believes in 'The Power Of Love" (doesnt it sound like one of Celine Dion's hit number ;p)...

Love is abundant...but rather hard to catch... but it will certainly knock you on your head when you're least expecting it....*sigh*... if ever things were as simple as the four letter word.. "LOVE"....

"Make Love.. Not War".... gosh... where did i put my Hersheys.??.... ;)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

*Truth hurts*

Have you ever wonder that when people ask you something and they say that they wanted to hear the truth ......but actually they're NOT!.........

Have u ever been in that kind of situation.... well.... i have..... many-many times......

Humans are soo complex *yeah, whats new ;)* ... sometimes, when they ask u to tell the truth but actually what they wanted to hear is what they're expecting to hear......

But my problem is, i tend to tell the real truth....and sumtimes, the truth sucks... bigtime.... its kinda hard for me to sugar-coated it and to make it flowery and to put in words that will not hurt the other party.......

I figure... that i tell the truth is becoz i love that person... by telling the truth, its not my intention to make the person feel bad, but actually for the person to improve themselves and be a better person... Is that wrong??

Maybe i tend to criticize people.... Maybe sometimes the critics that i made kinda harsh..... well i'm sorry for that... i am, by nature is quite vocal in expressing myself and although it can be considered as my strengths.... but it is also among my biggest weaknesses....

And i also know that sometimes, i dont take criticism quite well... when people criticize me, my defensive mode will turn on and i tend to find all sort of excuses....

So, i guess, i will try to improve myself....... in that sense lah.. that is.....

i will think before i open my mouth to speak...... be more sensitive to people.....

and lastly, a quote from OPRAH "People don't really change".... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
